Diversity, Equity
& Inclusion

Honoring Our Unique Perspectives

We strive to develop, promote and advance strategies and best practices within the realms of racial, social, sexual, and gender diversity to ensure that the places we create are always inclusive and welcoming to all.

To spearhead advancements in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in our organization, our DEI Committee is devoted to honoring our people's unique perspectives knowing that promoting our collective DEI ideals will help us enhance social equity for our team members and community as a whole.

Committee Goals
  • Survey, identify, and improve diversity across our organization
  • Conduct organization-wide DEI activities and trainings
  • Identify and establish DEI partnerships within our community
  • Focus our charitable efforts on marginalized groups in our community
  • Work to improve our social justice indicators associated with our Just Label

Our Just Label For Transparency

Just is a nutrition label for socially just and equitable organizations. It is a transparency platform for organizations to disclose their operations, including how they treat their team members and where they make financial and community investments.

Each organizational and team member-related indicator outlines measurable accountabilities recognized at four levels of performance.

Social Justice Indicators

Diversity & Inclusion
■■■■Gender Diversity
□□□Ethnic Diversity
Employee Benefits
■■■■Health Care
□□□Retirement Provision
■■■Family/Medical Leave
■■■■Full-Time Employment
■■■■Pay-Scale Equity
□□□□Freedom of Association
■■□□Living Wage
■■■Gender Pay Equity
■■□□Local Communities
■■□□Animal Wellfare
■■□□Charitable Giving
■■□□Positive Products
Employee Health
□□□Physical Health
Purchasing & Supply Chain
□□□Equitable Purchasing
□□□□Supply Chain

The Just Label 2.0
(Published 4/1/24, Expires 4/1/26)

Our Approach Makes A Difference
City Manager - City of Woodinville
MainStreet has been a great development partner to work with. The City had worked for many years to get this complex and very visible project off the ground without success... We regularly work with the development community and MainStreet stands out as incredibly responsive and collaborative. We wouldn’t have got to where we have with our project without a partner that so clearly understands and values the goal of creating a genuinely amazing project.
Brandon Buchanan
City of WoodinvilleCity Manager
President - HAL Real Estate
MainStreet has become a leader on the Eastside for delivering quality development projects that truly enhance the neighborhoods in which they are developed. We have partnered with the MainStreet team on two large projects, and they have worked well with the local municipalities and involved the public throughout the process.
Jonathan Manheim
HAL Real EstatePresident
Co-Founder & Chairman - Hoban Family Office & Coast Group of Companies
I have admired MainStreet Property Group for years. The opportunity to invest in their award-winning projects and see our investments favorably impact communities is both an opportunity and a privilege. I cannot say enough good things about our partnership with [MainStreet].
Tom Hoban
Hoban Family Office & Coast Group of CompaniesCo-Founder & Chairman
Vice President - Grosvenor
From the outset, the team has been professional, transparent and straightforward. The focus on being 'best in class' in the submarket is balanced with pragmatism in managing costs where required, which from an investor's point of view is paramount. We truly value our partnership and look forward to future business opportunities together.
Alex Henderson
GrosvenorVice President
Mayor - City of Kenmore
Kenmore Village is a perfect example of a jointly-developed project that implements a local comprehensive plan. The innovative marketing process and careful joint development of the properties is a model for other smaller communities wanting to encourage economic growth and revitalize their downtown.
David Baker
City of KenmoreMayor
Senior Vice President - WaFd
[WaFd] has worked with the principals of MainStreet Property Group through several business cycles and we consider them to be one of the best operators in the business. If they say they will do something, you can have confidence they will perform.
Thomas R. Pozarycki
WaFdSenior Vice President
Co-Owner - Poquitos
It’s clear there is a deliberate focus on creating an urban landscape that promotes community and builds a neighborhood...
James Weimann
Owner & Managing Partner - Walla Walla Steak Co. & Crossbuck Brewing
Woodinville is the perfect home for our second location with its welcoming community, vibrant wine tourism industry and beautiful, surrounding farmland. We hope our new neighbors enjoy our boots and blue jean-style steakhouse and family-friendly taproom, and we are proud to begin creating new traditions in [the Old Woodinville Schoolhouse].
Dan Thiessen
Walla Walla Steak Co. & Crossbuck BrewingOwner & Managing Partner
City Manager - City of Kenmore
MainStreet has been a phenomenal development partner for the City of Kenmore. MainStreet truly understands and embraces our values and knows the importance of creating great places and spaces that are walkable and special. Thanks to MainStreet’s significant investment, we finally have that sense of a real downtown that our community has long been pursuing.
Rob Karlinsey
City of KenmoreCity Manager
Principal - GGLO
I appreciate the vision that MainStreet had for The Schoolhouse District and happy that we were able to implement that vision in a successful design. Thank you to GenCap for facilitating that design into a beautiful built form (during a pandemic!) and Insite for managing it all. It is a project we at GGLO are all very proud of – thanks!
Beth Dwyer